Monday, January 18, 2010

More evil Honjii blasphemy about the Virgin Birth

In this post Honjii admits how stupid she is by saying she really does not even know hardly ANYTHING about the Virgin Birth so then she goes on to tell her stupid evil story about what SHE thinks happens.  I think people of the Atheist religion don't even have any right whatsoever to discuss Christianity.  She actually calls GOD a BABY DADDY like certain more ignorant people who have babies out of wedlock, and I think we all know what kind of people I'm talking about.


  1. Does jesus condone hate?? I don't think so.

  2. "we all know what kind of people I'm talking about." No we don't know. I suspect you are making a racist comment, but I'm not sure. Maybe Jesus condones racism, but I don't think so. Care to explain?

  3. That's the first thing you always do is say we Christians are racists just because we point out that certain people do things certain ways. Whats the matter Anonymous don't you even have enough guts to sign your name?

  4. Jane you ignorant slut....

    Sorry, I'm channelling Dan Akroyd.

    Anywho..Melissa, I was wondering. If Mary didn't have sex before giving birth to Jesus, where did his Y-chromosome come from?? Mary, being female would have two X-chromosomes, and none to give to Jesus.

    That leaves us two choices, EITHER, Mary was NOT a virgin before giving birth to Jesus OR Jesus was a woman.

    What say you?

  5. Oops, sorry, got that wrong. Mary would have no Y-chromosome to give to Jesus. She obviously must have given one X-chromosome to him/her/it.

  6. "Thats the first thing you always do is say we Christians are racists just because we point out that certain people do things certain ways."

    First of all, I have never before accused anyone of being a racist for pointing out that certain people do things certain ways. I only commented that your words smacked of racism and you didn't deny it. As for guts regarding posting my name - it would take guts or stupidity to give a crazy like you any personal information.

  7. You, all Honjii's friends are just proving how evil you are by showing how mean you can be by trashing all my posts.

  8. Speaking of virgin births and stuff, I realise you are against pornography.

    So why have you got a penis on your blog?

  9. Oh dear. Another believer who started something she couldn't finish once the real world got into her face.

  10. Archiearchive I do not have pornography on my blog it is just that you have a dirty mind.

  11. And another thing archiearchive I don't understand what you mean about not finishing what I started. I'm still here you know.

  12. Archiearchive just to show you what a fairminded person I am after giving your comment about having a p---s on my blog, I have to admit at first I didn't know what you were referring to, but after thinking about the painting at the top of my blog I decided you are right and if you will notice I tastefully covered up the p--s.

  13. Why would I want to spell a word that is not a nice word, it's the same thing as saying it if I was talking.
