Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It looks like I have Honjii on the run

First of all I would like to start out by apologizing to all my loyal fans for not writing anything about Honjii for almost 2 weeks but I have been super busy leading a bible study for teens who are at risk for becoming sinners and even though this blog is God's work, so are the kids who need my help.

You probably noticed that since the last  time I wrote a blog and Honjii wrote one about how she found my blog she hasn't written anything else since then.  I think I am accomplishing mine and God's mission by shutting her hateful mouth up.  :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

More evil Honjii blasphemy about the Virgin Birth

In this post Honjii admits how stupid she is by saying she really does not even know hardly ANYTHING about the Virgin Birth so then she goes on to tell her stupid evil story about what SHE thinks happens.  I think people of the Atheist religion don't even have any right whatsoever to discuss Christianity.  She actually calls GOD a BABY DADDY like certain more ignorant people who have babies out of wedlock, and I think we all know what kind of people I'm talking about.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Honjii compares Republicans to mangy dogs

What kind of horrible terrible person compares our leaders to drooling dogs.  Honjii, that's what kind of person does.  Read this post where she calls the Republicans dogs and see what an idiot she is.  She just hates the Republicans because we are good Christians and she is obviously a Satanic person.  I believe all Atheists are really Satanists because if you don't believe in God how can you NOT be a Satanist?

Other blogs I hate

My blogroll is different than most of them because most are blogs people like, but mine is about other blogs, besides Honjii's that I hate.  I figured a good place to start my list was from Honjii's blogroll.  If she likes a blog it must be evil so I hate it too.  I will be adding more evil blogs as I find them and when I get enough time because I have to work at a full time job, and I attend Bible Study every day after work, and on weekends too.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Blasphemy by Honjii

Even though she does not know it she will go to Hell for writing this called Adam's Rib.   The things she is saying in there are just awful.  She is making fun of Christians and the story of Adam and Eve.  Hey Honjii maybe you should try reading the bible so you know whats what.  She also makes fun of Mary who gave birth to the son of God.  She says that it is all a lie, you should read the horrible things she is saying about the Virgin Birth.

Why I hate Honjii

This is my first post. I also have found other blogs that are evil but I think Honjii's gets a lot of attention because I have seen many links to her site and many sites that quote her. I'm going to be adding a list of other blogs I hate besides hers.

I hate Honjii, who has a blog called Honjii's Harangues. I don't even know what a harangue is or if it is even a real word, but I am sure it is something against God. She is against God and I need to inform the world about her evil heathen ways. I will keep on posting my opinions about what she writes until no one ever reads her blog anymore and she will have to shut it down due to no readers.

Honjii is a member of the Atheist religion so that should tell you a lot about her. She writes things against God and sometimes she writes about politics and she is always on the side of evil and against the side of good. She doesn't even have enough respect to capitalize God's name when she writes it. I am going to try to comment on everything she posts.

I think this one is the very first one when she started blogging. She makes fun of God. That is so disgusting but I will pray for her anyway.